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The Science of Ayurvedic Astrological Bangles
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Many of the quotes in this brochure are sourced from the great yoga avatars Paramahansa Yogananda and Swami Sri Yukteswar referencing the benefits of wearing gemstone or metal based astrological bangles. I would like to point out that from the thousands of pages of Paramahansa Yogananda’s teachings, there is very little discussion on specific gems or metals for remedial use. Though he felt astrological gemstones were significant enough to mention several times in his classic “Autobiography of a Yogi” he was wary of people becoming too reliant on this interesting phenomenon and thus be distracted from earnestly pursuing his great contribution to the West which was to encourage people to take a keen interest in correctly practicing “Kriya Yoga” meditation to become one with the universal spirit and attain Self-Realization.

‘Then, dear Master, why do you want me to wear an astrological bangle?’
I ventured this question after a long silence, during which I had tried to assimilate Sri Yukteswar’s noble exposition.
‘It is only when a traveler has reached his goal that he is justified in discarding his maps. During the journey, he takes advantage of any convenient short cut. The ancient rishis discovered many ways to curtail the period of man’s exile in delusion. There are certain mechanical features in the law of karma which can be skillfully adjusted by the fingers of wisdom.
All human ills arise from some transgression of universal law. The scriptures point out that man must satisfy the laws of nature, while not discrediting the divine omnipotence. He should say: ‘Lord, I trust in Thee, and know Thou canst help me, but I too will do my best to undo any wrong I have done.’ By a number of means – by prayer, by will power, by yoga meditation, by consultation with saints, by use of astrological bangles – the adverse effects of past wrongs can be minimized or nullified
Just as a house can be fitted with a copper rod to absorb the shock of lightning, so the bodily temple can be benefited by various protective measures. Ages ago our yogis discovered that pure metals emit an astral light which is powerfully counteractive to negative pulls of the planets. Subtle electrical and magnetic radiations are constantly circulating in the universe; when a man’s body is being aided, he does not know it; when it is being disintegrated, he is still in ignorance. Can he do anything about it?
This problem received attention from our rishis; they found helpful not only a combination of metals, but also of plants and – most effective of all – faultless jewels of not less than two carats. The preventive uses of astrology have seldom been seriously studied outside of India. One little-known fact is that the proper jewels, metals, or plant preparations are valueless unless the required weight is secured, and unless these remedial agents are worn next to the skin.’
Yogananda wrote the following in a letter in 1938 to Rajarsi Janakananda, one of his leading disciples, while discussing the lesser three metal astrological bangle:
“According to astrological laws, to do away with bad influences of planets there is nothing better than a bangle. Every two bodies of the universe attract. When this adhesive power of the body cells becomes lax with the advance of old age, the planetary pull becomes stronger, causing more laxity of the cells, inviting disease and mental disturbance. The bangle and its combinations of metals as fixed by the Rishis, emanate electrical rays unseen by human eyes which counteract all planetary vibrations. Just as a lightning rod is affixed to a house to absorb the falling thunder and lightning, so the bangle is a lightning rod to absorb the ferocity of bad planetary rays falling on the body. When disease attacks the body, or accidents are attracted by bad karma, or business troubles occur due to a weak body or disturbed nerves hence disturbed mind, the bangle will lessen the force of a physical or mental attack of karma. Besides, I heard Master say many times that Satan creates in the mind of the bangle wearer the impulse to take the bangle off so he could uninterruptedly punish him through the instrument of bad karma of past lives. I remember definitely instances of cases where a person could not wear the bangle as the arm rotted under it. One person had to change position of the bangle three or four times. He was cured of paralysis and some kind of fits. The bangle will also modify and lessen any wrong influences of business. Sometimes, to take the bangle off when one needs to – even in that moment, is dangerous. I write this only to emphasize the laws of atomic electronic vibrations which God created and the Rishis discovered to counteract the evil planetary influences on the human body.”

The following passage is a reference to Paramahansa Yogananda’s nine-gem astrological bangle from page 382 of “The Divine Romance” published by Self- Realization Fellowship in the chapter titled “Personal and Impersonal God”.
“Before his passing, my great guru, Swami Sri Yukteswar, told me to wear a certain kind of bangle as a special protection. With faith in his blessing in the bangle, I put it on. When I was in Bombay just before returning to America, I realized that the satanic power was trying to destroy my life, to prevent me from fulfilling the mission given to me by God and my Guru. I wasn’t afraid; I knew God was with me and I remembered Master’s promise of protection. I put a little light on in my room, because the evil forces do not like light. For a little while I sat meditating, watchful of my spirit. And then I felt sleepy. As I opened my eyes and looked toward the right wall of the room, I saw the black form of Satan, horrible, with a catlike face and tail. It leaped on my chest, and my heart stopped beating. Mentally I said: “I am not afraid of you. I am Spirit.” But still my heart wouldn’t work. Suddenly I glimpsed an ochre robe, and there stood Master. He commanded Satan to leave; and as soon as he spoke, the evil figure vanished and my breath started to flow again. I cried out: “My Master!” He said: “Satan was trying to destroy you, But fear not. I am with you evermore. ”I could even smell the familiar, gentle fragrance that emanated from Master’s form, just as when he was incarnate on earth. Such experiences convince you that the forces for good and evil do exist, just as radio vibrations are present in space.”
Paramahansa Yogananda wrote in his book
“The Divine Romance”
“In this age, man will make great headway in the electrical or electromagnetic field of science. As Dwapara Yuga progresses , disease will be treated and healed more and more by rays. Vibratory energy can reach the electronic factors of the atoms , the building blocks of matter, where gross chemicals cannot penetrate.”

The concept of astrological gemstones being of benefit to our lives and mitigating or nullifying negative karma is a stretch for many to understand.
However, quantum scientists and the enlightened Yogis of India explain that the structure of the universe is essentially made of pranic waveform or frequency and that all actions and thoughts have a vibration equilibrium that must return to the source. The rishis explained that the radiating influence of the planets can resonate with the memory or recording of our past good or bad actions to attract the karmic return. The key action and concept that needs to be understood is “resonation.”
Imagine an E string on a guitar being plucked and near it is another well-tuned guitar. As the E string on the other guitar feels the sound waves, its E string will also vibrate and “resonate” and make the E note sound.
Paramahansa Yogananda explained that our chakras hold and record our karmic actions and thoughts and that the pattern of present or future return manifestation occurs via “resonating” planetary stimuli on them. Another name for the measured interpretation of this process would be the “Vedic horoscope”. Because all electricity has frequency or waveform, and our physical bodies are dead without it, our true nature is in fact electrical or spiritual and not physical. Hence, when the planetary radiations penetrate our stratosphere then they directly influence the frequency patterns of our electrical body. This influence is the catalyst for magnetically pulling on that “e string” in our electrical body’s karmic pattern.
We all know of someone who has practiced a perfect diet and exercise lifestyle only to be inexplicably struck down by a terrible disease. If the frequency of your electrical body is out of balance due to karmic resonation via planetary stimuli, then this can be the source of the cause. Our electromagnetic frequency based signature or karmic pattern which holds many samskara’s is how our mental outlook and character will resonate to friends, interests, diet, activities and so much more. If our mental, spiritual and physical environment improves or becomes more sattwic, then our electromagnetic signature strengthens because of the beneficial external influences and consequently the effects of weakening or diluted planetary radiations can have much less traction or influence. Correctly made astrological bangles are very powerful sattwic skin touching instruments that supplement and strengthen our electrical body and its frequency based aura and become part of our uplifted intimate electrical more spiritualized mind and body.
Yogananda wrote:
“In any case, it is not the stars themselves that control the happenings in man’s life, but rather his individual karma that, when ripe for fruition, is affected beneficially or adversely by the electromagnetic vibrations of the heavenly bodies. The relation of the stars to the human body and mind is very subtle. The astral forces radiating to the earth from the heavens intereact with those in the spinal centers that sustain man’s body: Ignorant man does not realize how body and mind are changed through his good and bad actions, and how his actions affect-positively or negatively-the centers of the spine. Persons whose bodies and minds and material environment are out of order, the result of transgressions of spiritual law, have inharmony between the energies in the spinal centers and those radiating from the twelve signs of the zodiac.”

Sri Yukteswar is recorded in the “Autobiography of a Yogi” as advising Yogananda by saying.
“Just as a house can be fitted with a copper rod to absorb the shock of lightning, so the bodily temple can be benefited by various”
At Astrogems we make instruments of electromagnetic supplementation designed to strengthen the waveform signatures of your electrical and karmically receiving body and mind. We have spent 35 years listening carefully to testimonial feedback of individuals who have acquired our bangles and consequently have developed an extensive knowledge of how to make astrological instruments that work. Much has been written on the subject by individuals who have barely made one or two astrological nine-gem bangles.

The takeaway from this astrological gem-planet relationship is that, though Jupiter for instance may be 365 million miles away and is 1,300 times the size of the earth, the electromagnetic radiations from its magnetosphere travel through the vacuum of space meeting near zero resistance before arriving at our stratosphere and interplaying with the resonant frequency waves of our karmically attached electrical body. This resonation stimulates into manifestation the karma recorded in our chakras. When we wear perfect very specific cut crystal gems in a specific skin touching manner, our electrical body emanates a different much stronger signature that is not able to resonate to a wider variety of weakening negative planetary stimuli. Remote telescopes that view the stunning Aurora storms of the north and south poles of our planetary neighbors see evidence of their magnetosphere. Here are some wonderful photos of the electrical interplay of the magnetosphere of Jupiter, Earth and Saturn with the Sun’s electron-saturated solar wind.
There are interesting scientific parallels between pllanet’s astrological gemstones and the crystal radio receiver. Popular in the early days of radio, the crystal receiver uses only the power of the received radio signal to produce sound, needing no external power, not even a battery. It is named after its most important component, a crystal detector. Originally made from a piece of crystalline mineral such as galena or quartz, this component is now called a diode.
Transpose the logic of this scientific crystal based discovery into astrological gemstones receiving beneficial supplementary planetary radiations, and how ayurvedic astrological crystals can change your electrical body’s karmiclly pre-determined receptivity to weaker or negative radiations. A planet is well placed in the chart when your electrical body and its consequent mind is able to integrate and receive its full positive and not its diluted negative potency. When it is badly placed, this indicates your electrical body’s inability to opportunistically utilize the positive electromagnetic stimuli. A hundred people in a building will receive the exact same subtle astronomical radiations yet their electrical bodies and mind will all integrate and react to them differently.
The ancient enlightened rishis chose to help mankind by advising astrological gemstones and certain pure metal-based instruments can facilitate the electrical body into receiving more of a full spectrum of beneficial electromagnetic supplementation. A gemstone does not tune into the planet’s position in the chart, be it good or bad, but instead strengthens our ability to utilize that planets benign radiations so that they are not diluted by it’s many dimensional locations of weakness or debilitation.
When stimulated by our electrical body an astrological gemstone has a similar harmonic signature to the positive aspects of the planet itself and not its sometimes negative or weakening location. Hence it can be thought of as an electromagnetic supplementing influence. When a planet is exalted in a person’s Vedic horoscope it is an indication of that individual’s electrical karmic body being able to receive its full potency of beneficial radiations. When the same planet is debilitated, it indicates the person’s karmic electrical pattern is not able to integrate the positive aspects of that planet’s radiations and will be greatly helped by a harmonic vibrational supplement to counteract the planets negative polarity aspect.
“Planets and stars of themselves have no conscious power to guide or determine the destiny of man. But as the whole universe consists of and is held in existence by Nature’s creative vibratory power, each individual unit radiates a characteristic electromagnetic vibration that links it with other units in the cosmos. Depending on the interaction, these vibrations are productive of good or ill.”
– Page 353 “God Talks with Arjuna.”

The crystal radio receiver proved how a crystal can resonate and interplay with radio waves from a transmitter. So in a sense our karmic pattern is radio-controlled by past karmic vibratory recordings resonating to planetary radiations. Swami Sri Yukteswar in the “Autobiography of a Yogi” also referred to other methods to mitigate or nullify negative karma:
“All human ills arise from some transgression of universal law. The scriptures point out that man must satisfy the laws of nature, while not discrediting the divine omnipotence. He should say: ‘Lord, I trust in Thee, and know Thou canst help me, but I too will do my best to undo any wrong I have done.’ By a number of means – by prayer, by will power, by yoga meditation, by consultation with saints, by use of astrological bangles – the adverse effects of past wrongs can be minimized or nullified.”
Great sages like Patanjali, who is often referred to as the “Father of Yoga,” advised “The pain that is to come can and should be avoided.” Swami Sri Yukteswar wore two astrological bangles , he did not wear the three metal astrological bangle as he clearly indicated in the “Autobiography of a Yogi” that astrological gems were more effective. Between him and Paramahansa Yogananda they wore 5 astrological bangles. Two of which were nine-gem astrological bangles. I believe they did this for the passive strengthening benefits, but also to acknowledge their influence as a beneficial protection from the dark forces and to show others that such logic is suitable and highly respected. So often intelligent and devoted followers of these great world teachers indicate that their Guru’s protection is enough when in fact these two world teachers are showing others how to protect and strengthen themselves in many ways as well as “by example” through the use of astrological bangles. As universally open-minded wise men, they naturally took advantage of any instrument that was simple and worthwhile.”
Very few readers of the great classic: “Autobiography of a Yogi” pick up on the fact that Sri Yukteswar is saying that faultless gems of two carats are even better than a combination of metals which of course is not to say both types of astrological bangle are not excellent.
For the last 35 years we have been making and researching affordable yet powerful karma-mitigating 9 gem astrological bangles. We have listened very carefully to the feedback of over 3000 clients to ensure how best to refine and improve our astrologically mitigating instruments.
Sometimes Vedic astrologers have given astrology a questionable reputation, especially when their predictive skills convey a fatalistic “not much you can do” approach. At Astrogems we don’t believe all negative Karma has to manifest unless your efforts and instruments of mitigation are not there. Yogananda also wrote :
“What is to be does not necessarily have to be.”
An astrological bangle may well not
be as expensive as you expect.
After filling out the free 16 page vedic horoscope and gem analysis application form on Astrogems, and along with your own supportive introspection, you can discover how your past karma has weakened and strengthened your receptivity to the radiations of different planets in their order of importance.
This will help you decide what approach you want to move forward with, regarding which deeply colored crystals and pure metals interacting with your electrical body can improve your karmic pattern.
You can begin with several gems in the initial bangle and add gems later as your budget allows, building up to a full nine-gem planetary amulet. Full complete nine-gem bangles can cost upwards from 2 to 5+ thousand dollars depending on the size of the gems and which secondary planetary gems may be used. Obviously we would not be in business if we didn’t research the best way to set high quality, large gemstones in our bangles at very competitive prices. More information can be found on the website as to how we do this relatively inexpensively.

After years of research and prolonged extensive experimentation, we have also discovered an amazing astrological talisman we call the Frequency Bangle. To read about this much less expensive option, go to:
Essentially it is also an upper arm bangle composed of very large facetted deeply colored quartz crystals touching the skin and is much less expensive than the Navaratna (nine gem bangle). Many individuals who purchase a Navaratna find that wearing a frequency bangle makes their positive experience even better, as gems have limitations and it is good to take the benefits to the limit of their potential.
However the great difference with the Frequency Bangle is that because it is not customized to the individual’s chart we can afford to offer a 31-day money back guarantee if the wearer for any reason wants to return it. This way the customer gets to test run the whole concept of astrological gemstones and how they improve one’s life, from a company that has the most experience in the world in this refined multiastrological gemstone bangle approach. We believe introspective experience from wearing a bangle is the best source of information for understanding this amazing science. We also encourage individuals to read the testimonial pages on both of our websites.
To help individuals understand their strengths and weaknesses in a planetarybased manner we offer a Free 16 page Vedic Horoscope and gem analysis introspection report from
After receiving your Free Vedic Horoscope by email. Receive a Free estimate to discover what investment might be required for your personalized astrological bangle, send us your request by email, with the gemstone list of weights from your customized Vedic Horoscope and planetary gem analysis.

Our many designs of nine gem astrological bangles with pure astrological metals are designed to last much longer than one lifetime, and should continue mitigating or nullifying the negative karma, as well as boosting the positive karma, for multiple generations of wearers with the same bangle. Many customers completely forget to look past their own incarnation.
But we like to draw your attention to the fact that, as a dharmic investment, it is not just for you but also for others who are destined by inheritance to wear your bangle after your soul’s departure. This gift allows you the karmic return of similar benefit in another incarnation.
We believe in the big picture that such an investment is not a selfish purchase but an exceptionally judicious one, and that the world deeply needs the positive ripple effect of many more well made amulets of karmic negative frequency mitigation. Again, to explore this opportunity and to receive a detailed approximate quote, please cut and paste the list of 9 planetary gem weights from the gem analysis and email it to us with your request. Alternatively you can forward the whole horoscope-gem-analysis to us.