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Red coral represents Mars in vedic astrology and possesses a warming, energizing influence. It is also sought after for its beneficial properties in regards to one’s health and immune system. Astrological grade coral is a deep red color and carbonated. It is hard and can take a high polish, which is one way to know that it is astrological grade red coral.
Before most people can appreciate the way this electromagnetic instrument can help them, they will need to understand some parameters of its application. The weight of our red coral necklaces will vary between 14 to 18 grams (one gram equals five carats). So, whenever reference is made to coral necklaces, it will be to those that weigh in at approximately 70 to 90 carats, the sum total weight of the red coral beads. They are made without a clasp and of sufficient length so that they can be slipped on and off over the head without much fuss.
See below or use the links above for more information on the best uses for red coral, how to select good red coral, health benefits, a story about increasing healing through the use of red coral, testimonials and shopping.
Characteristics of Good Red Coral Necklaces
Red Coral (Corallium Rubrum) beads are carved from a branch-like calcareous framework of the coral polyp and is formed by the accretion of colonies of these tiny marine invertebrates. The heating influence in Red Coral seems to originate mostly from the red color in combination with the organically structured crystalline aggregate of calcium carbonate (CaCO3). The red color traps the infra red and red aspect of the light spectrum, and this appears to be regenerative as a heating influence. My extensive experiments with White Coral, which has been found to be both calming and strengthening, indicate that it does not stimulate the metabolic heat in the wearer nearly as much as Red Coral. But for high pitta individuals (an Ayurvedic body type), who nonetheless need more physical energy, this can be helpful.
With very few exceptions, people have found that by wearing the Red Coral necklace they have experienced more bodily heat and energy. This experience is very much appreciated if the person is of a less energized character or has a low body heat. If the person has a body type that is susceptible to feeling the cold, then she or he will feel very attached to the necklace during cold weather.
But those, on the other hand, who do not feel the cold, may actually experience feeling overheated and uncomfortable when wearing the necklace; this discomfort can come within minutes or hours. The individuals who seem to be the most sensitive this way are those who are “pitta”. A small percentage of individuals may wear the necklace for a few days before they recognize the heat, and not absolutely everyone is sensitive to the potent influence.
The discomfort threshold to body heat is also, of course, related to whether it is a hot day or not, for example. However, even pitta types can assuredly enjoy the coral necklace if they are living in a cold climate or take a trip to a colder place, or if they are physically run down or elderly (i.e., cases when the metabolic energy is not as abundant). Vata and kapha body-types (those who tend to feel the cold), will definitely feel a great benefit from this easy-to-use stimulant to their metabolism and body thermostat. Essentially, all three body-types (kapha, vata and pitta) will profit by use of the coral necklace whenever there is a lack of energy.

The photo above shows the color of genuine, high quality astrological red coral. This shade of red is known as ox blood.
The bottom left photo shows strands of red and white coral. At the bottom right is a video with Nick Hodgson, President of Astrogems, where he is showing us samples of false red coral.

Above are some examples of inexpensive white coral which has been dyed various shades of red or pink.

Years ago I had a motorcycle accident. Actually it was more of a tumble, the bike just slipped over and sat on me. This didn’t really matter except the kick stand was where it was supposed to be and my leg wasn’t. This conflict in the status quo involved the kick stand cutting into my leg. Three days later, after surgery, I had a whole lot more respect for motorcycles. I lay in bed and was coming to the realization that my normally fiery constitutional resilience to injury just wasn’t strutting its stuff and that this injury could take more than quite a while to heal.
Having severed several nerves, the deep wound was definitely cold, and very little electrical healing energy seemed to be circulating in its immediate area. Obviously for tissue repair to occur, strong forces of renewal needed to be activated.
Visualization would have helped, but the area was already feeling pretty dead, and my consequent negative mindset would have had to be overcome.
I lay in bed for quite some time evaluating my body’s resources. With this accident, its recuperating resources didn’t seem to be anything close to my younger days, when a deep wound was just a scratch.
Because of my studies and interest in gems, I hobbled out of bed and reached for a red coral necklace to see if it would be of help. Strangely enough, at the time I didn’t feel that it would help much, except on a subtle level.

The next few minutes were genuinely a big shock to my understanding.
The previous hour my wound had had a distinctly cold clammy feel to it. A sense pervaded that nothing was happening in the metabolic arena and recovery was going to take ages. Upon putting on the red coral, almost immediately I could feel a comfortable surge of warmth and circulation of energy surrounding and intelligently permeating the wounded area. I was stunned to be witnessing something so tangible. I was dimly aware that I had read that red coral was good for wounds or internal bleeding. It was this profound experience, and many other testimonials that inspired me in later years to promote and advertise the wonderful power of Vedic gems to anyone who would listen.
I kept the necklace on until the healing was over. Coral seemed perfect as it gave a needed boost to my traumatized metabolic rate.
These days, if I put on red coral when I’m in good health, I may, within a day or so, start feeling too warm in the area of the necklace.

Astrological Benefits of Red Coral
Red coral represents Mars in Vedic astrology and, hence, is hot to warming in influence. Too much heat will imbalance me, but for a person with more cold influences in their horoscope, a red coral necklace could be much more comfortable to wear for longer periods. Rarely would I recommend that it be worn constantly. If the wearer is older and living in a very cold climate, more extensive use could be helpful.
Of all the less expensive types of stone necklaces, the Red Coral necklace seems to be the one that people feel the most. This is partly because it has a definite, strong influence on the physical body as well as on the mind. I have been doing research by observing the effects of the Red Coral necklace on numerous clients, on a continuous basis for over eight years. After having loaned them to large numbers of people, many of whom were adamant in their disbelief in any therapeutic uses for stones or gems, I have become very enthusiastic that this simple instrument, if used correctly, can really be a great friend.

From extensive feedback over the years, red coral appears to help boost the energy of people who are run down. A person living in a cold climate will be more receptive to its heating benefits than the same person dwelling in a tropical climate.
Many friends have been amazed by red coral’s effect on their colds, coughs and flus. Often I have recommended it to people having surgery and have had them thank me profusely for what they perceive to be its speeding up of their healing processes. Surprising as it may seem, I used to keep a red coral necklace beside the bed in winter, and if I got too cold, I would throw on red coral instead of another blanket. I generally always take one when I leave sunny California for colder climes.
There are many coral imitations on the market, especially in necklace form, mostly from China and India. These include ceramic glass, white coral or horn dyed red and plastic. Observation indicates that for short-term remedial benefits of specific problems, a coral necklace of over 80 carats is best (it is this much because each bead is so small). I often recommend keeping one in the medicine cabinet.
Strengthening the Immune System
Very often the coral necklace has gained considerable esteem and appreciation for stimulating the body’s immune system, or in helping to clear congestion. On innumerable occasions, when people have felt a cold or flu bug coming on, they have reported they felt, after putting on the necklace, that it cut short its grip on them. People who have congestion, especially from the flu, report dramatic improvement from wearing the Red Coral necklace. Many individuals who have worn the necklace following an operation claim that it has seemingly sped up their recovery process. Artists who sing have found that it has protected their voice when they have felt a bug coming on. It seems to be especially useful to anemic types, who have a low energy on account of their low blood iron. It is for all these findings that a Red Coral necklace can be a great lifelong friend to call on when in need; one should always be available in the first aid cabinet.
Interestingly, I have sold several nine-gem bangles after the occasion of lending out coral necklaces, as it was the tangible experience of wearing this simple, single-stone item that gave the clients an understanding by experience of what the full rainbow of gems might do for them.

Slowing Down the Aging Process
As we get older we become less able to receive the beneficial radiations emitted by the planets. An example of this is a slow down with advancing age of metabolic and recuperative abilities. Many elderly clients have attested to the ameliorating reduction in this degenerative process by wearing a Red Coral necklace. Some of those living in colder climates have said they never take it off in winter and that because of it, they don’t feel the cold nearly as badly.
Individuals who have had trauma or operations on their bodies have repeatedly expressed that when they put on the coral necklace they noticed a definite improvement in the rate of progress back to well being. Of course, after the healing of the bodily injury was complete, many found that the time came to take it off; after full recovery the excess in necklace-generated heat was not to their liking. Others kept them on as it helped their somewhat continuously low vitality. There have also been surprising results with women who have excessive difficulties in their monthly cycles who have worn a combination of Red Coral and Pearl necklaces.
One lady originally was persuaded to wear this combination for an asthma condition. She noted some improvement on the asthma; but what really amazed her was that her abnormally severe menstrual bleeding, every month since the birth of her child seven years before, had dramatically returned to normal. It never recurred again even after she took off the necklaces. She was actually quite shocked at the result, as she originally thought the whole idea ludicrous; but after the striking improvement she was convinced it had to be the result of one or both of the necklaces.
Often people come back from India thinking that the necklace they bought on the street is genuine, only to have it correctly identified later as a glass product. One way of telling the difference between Red Coral and glass is that if you have worn it for over a month and it hasn’t lost its glossy surface, you can be pretty sure it is red glass. A lot of red-bead ethnic jewelry from India is red glass. There are also some very impressive-looking plastic imitations around. Red Coral is, incidentally, reactive to acids, so certain jewelry cleaners should not be used on them.
The most potent Red Coral necklaces are deep red in color. But this does not mean the red tending toward orange is without influence; it is simply a matter of degree. We have natural Red Coral Necklaces available from $345 upwards. ( Not to be confused with the more common white coral necklaces that have been dyed the same color and look very similar and are sold everywhere as red coral!!)

the astrological community
I got covid around December 27, 2021. Looking back at it I noticed it coincided with ♂ Mars transiting my 1st house and Neptune conjunct my ♂ Mars. I have read from many sources that the consensus across my schools of astrology tha Mars has to do with vitality and the blood.
In September, I has spent weeks looking for ways to acquire antivirals to help my body overcome long covid to no avail.
I finally decided to order a red coral necklace from Astrogems since red coral is virtually the only thing the astrological community correlates with ♂ Mars. I was working on the hypothesis that perhaps a weakening of the blood related body systems made me prone to it and perhaps an invigoration of the blood related systems may allow my system to better recover from it.
The same day I placed the order for the red coral, I encountered a way to obtain the antivirals. This was a notable coincidence considering I had been searching for a way to obtain them for a months at this point.
I started the antivirals and noticed some positive response but my energy levels and a sense of vigor returned the same day I put on the newly arrived red coral. I immediately noticed an ever so slight, but noticable, warm feeling just around my neck.
I have since been recovering well and I attribute, at the very least, some of that recovery to my interaction with the red coral.
M. Prescott Fields
Note from Nick : Interestingly I have an elderly acquaintance who wears a red coral necklace and has told me, his wife, neighbors and nearly everyone he mixes with has got Covid but that in his view he is amazed he has not caught it. He expresses a strong view point that a large part of this has been because he wears a red coral necklace all the time. This is not a scientifically verified viewpoint but very interesting that I have also observed very few of my clients have had Covid.
M. Prescott Fields
the wonderful healing necklace of red coral!
Dear Nick and Rich,
When I first received the red coral necklace, I had already been in the beginning stages one of the typical sore throat / cold viruses that I experience at the start of every autumn season. From several years experience I knew this cold virus always began in my throat in the form of soreness in the area where had once been my tonsils; as they had been surgically removed as a child. The virus would then enter my nasal passages and then into my chest; and eventually leave my body system in about two weeks.
So at this stage in roughly the second day of my symptoms, I put on the coral necklace when I received it in the early afternoon and within 30 minutes I developed a low grade fever that lasted only an hour.
At the start of this fever I laid down, and when I got up an hour later, the fever symptoms had subsided, and never returned for the rest of the day – although I was still experiencing the cold virus symptoms.
I continued to wear the red coral necklace for the next couple of days, and though I was still experiencing some cold-like symptoms, they were mild and never progressed past a sore throat and mild nasal congestion. After this period, (roughly two days after I first put on the red coral necklace), the cold virus seemed to be leaving my system rather quickly, and after about the 3rd or 4th day I was virtually symptom free.
I concluded that the Red Coral Necklace facilitated my immune system in producing a sudden, yet short lived fever in order to jumpstart my body’s natural healing mechanisms. Looking back at this rare event of the sudden fever, I realized that I rarely get fevers in my adult life; and as long as I can remember, never had such a fever been associated with a cold virus. The only fever I experienced in my adult years was when I had mastitis of the milk duct glands during the time I was nursing my son when he was a baby. Thus this phenomena of a sudden fever was a surprise to me at the time; and surely a rare event – only to be explainable as an effect of wearing the red coral necklace at a time when my immune system was being invaded by a virus.
It has been a couple of months now and I have been wearing the red coral necklace on a daily basis. I have yet to experience another phenomenon like the latter of which I described; however my immune system seems to working quite well since I’ve been wearing the coral necklace, thus whatever healing properties are in red coral I believe are contributing to my overall wellness.
Thank you Nick and Rich for making the wonderful healing necklace of red coral!
Monica Schneider
The coral has had a distinct effect
“Odd thing number one: The coral has had a distinct effect, even handing them the clothes or the hangers they would comment on my warm hands. I never have warm hands: cold hands, cold feet, cold front teeth (upper), cold nose, cold ear lobes. I guess that’s all gone now. The only other time this happened was when my thyroid was out of whack from the dental drug septocaine.
Thanks for all your help.”
TM Tennesee
I just got the bangle. It is beautiful and it fits perfectly! I love it!
“Hi Nick & Rich,
I just got the bangle. It is beautiful and it fits perfectly! I love it!
JK, Montana
My wife just reminded me to tell you about the red coral necklace
My wife just reminded me to tell you about the red coral necklace. She loves it! She finally took it off the other night, because she got too hot, but she has had it on for a solid month, and really finds it works. She has been outside in short sleeves, in perfect comfort, while her much younger companion was “freezing.” I have also noticed warmer feet and hands this season, so it is a big hit with her !”
Andrew Richard, Arizona
See below for a two part video of a casual conversation from Nick Hodgson on the amazing ayurvedic qualities of Red Coral.
We currently offer two types of red coral necklaces. One is on thread and the other one is on silver wire. The silver wire necklace is stronger, but the threaded necklace has more coral. Both necklaces are the same price.
Being hand made, both necklaces will vary in their weight which is approximately 70 – 90 carats. The red coral necklace on silver wire is approximately 26.5 inches and the one on thread is approximately 25 inches. Both necklaces are long enough to slip on over one’s head without needing a clasp.
When you click on the image or add to cart button, you will be taken to our sister site Hearts for where you can view additional details, photos, and purchase your red coral necklace.
If you would prefer to place your order by phone or have additional questions, please contact us.

This “Red Coral Necklace and Catseye Mala Necklace” is available from the India office only and is natural genuine red coral from the Mediterranean sea. Please email the Indian office directly if you would like this necklace at
Strengthening without the warming influence, our white coral necklaces are an excellent and essential addition to one’s repertoire of astrological items. Click here to read more about white coral.