Occasionally a client will ask what I think about pure gold chain necklaces and can Astrogems supply them. First of all I would like to point out some of the benefits from wearing pure gold.

From my six years of experience in (2024) in selling pure silver necklace chains and pure copper necklace chains. It was obvious to me that pure gold chains would also have distinctive characteristics that some individuals would love. The powerful characteristic of the pure noble metal necklace chains is that they are so close to the brain and chakras and also have an extensive area of skin contact when compared to bangles or rings etc. As an example regarding pure silver necklace chains, Testimonials on pure silver chains can be read here

All three noble metals seem to be the most influential of the metals for enhancing the wellbeing of individuals depending on their chart.

Almost everyone can wear a pure silver chain for benefit but this is not the case with a pure copper chain. As copper can simply be too powerful to wear around the neck for some individuals. In my extensive 46 years of experience pure copper is best worn on the arm.

Generally almost everyone who has purchased a pure silver necklace chain has noticed a definite influence in their calmness and consciousness equilibrium. Not so with copper necklaces which can only be worn by certain individuals who have a very weak Mars or are getting much older and need a subtle energy lift.. I have had tremendous results with copper necklace chains being worn on the legs though to minimize pain and stress again and again just like real estate it is Location , Location , Location. Pure copper chains have been fantastic for lessening pain from arthritis or other causes on the legs and arm.

When I give astrological readings to individuals I most often recommend pure silver necklace chains but there are sometimes cases where the horoscope suggests a great need to strengthen the Sun in a person’s field of energy. If an individual has a weak or debilitated Sun in their chart the pure gold chain can be a tremendous benefit.

Pure necklace chains because they are worn around the neck are the most potent and influential location to wear pure metals. For this reason caution should be used with copper chains and pure gold necklace chains should be over 36 grams and heavier by half an ounce or more if fine also.

Care should be taken when wearing pure copper or gold chains in a hot climate but again if the individual has a slow constitution pure gold is generally great to wear.Copper and Gold are both heating in nature and hence wearing in a cold climate is more comfortable.

Of Course in India many individuals wear 22 karat gold chains and some erroneously think this is an astrological chain. Pure Gold is 24 karat and not 22 karats. 22 karat chains should not be confused with the pure elemental vibration of a pure noble metal. Only pure metals are generally appropriate for strengthening a debilitated, fallen or compromised planet. The sun can be conjunct with an enemy planet such as Saturn or Venus situated nearby in the horoscope or it can be opposed by one or aspected by an enemy planet. All these possibilities also can apply to any planet which is why we need to investigate how to supplement our karmic pattern.

Gold though strengthening is also heating and hence it is best worn by older individuals who are experiencing the aging process with a lessening of energy. Most times in this age of technology with the bombardment of electromagnetic frequencies it is the cooling calming influence of pure silver that is most enjoyable of all the “noble” metals, Silver is even ahead of pure gold when it comes to electrical conductivity but gold is still a close second. Pure gold also has a positive influence with absorbing and protecting one from EMF influences. If a person has a high pitta ayurvedic constitution Gold is possibly not a good idea to wear compared to the very beneficial cooling pure silver necklace.

Pure gold necklace chains are not often offered by retailers unless it is for investment purposes.

There are two reasons for this. Pure gold often known as Fine gold is very soft and consequently not durable for necklace wearing long term. The only way around this is to add a speck of 23 karat gold solder to join the links so they can not be pulled apart.

Almost every vendor or workshop I have interviewed does not add solder as most customers prefer pure gold necklaces as an investment instrument.

However Astrogems is trying to enhance the science of practical karmic mitigation and thus we offer both pure gold chains for durability with a microscopic amount of solder to prevent the links from opening up. And if you don’t want to wear the necklace chain permanently we can supply them without the tiny amount of solder. It is my belief that the solder has zero influence on account of it not touching the skin and the alternative is just an almost invisible thinner than paper gap of air. Again the only reason we recommend the microscopic speck of solder to be added to the link is to make the gold chain durable for long term use.And hence we recommend the speck of gold solder to be added.

The most inexpensive source for gold chains in the world is Dubai. Astrogems recommends a company in Dubai for supplying pure gold chains. We also recommend the cuban design chain for astrological use.

The attached photographs show one of the cuban chains we suggest. If you live in the USA there is a good chance you will not be charged customs duty when ordering a pure gold chain from Dubai. (But this can change when President Trump gets back into office?)

If you do purchase a gold chain necklace or bracelet etc you will be sent an email from Fedex with a form to fill out from Homeland Security. They will ask you for your social security number and a few other basic questions. And after you have filled out this form and returned it to Fedex they will forward the package to you. “Homeland Security” does this to prevent money laundering for very large amounts of gold. So far no clients have been charged customs duty into America. One issue that is hard to get around, is that Fedex in Dubai will not insure the package for more than $1000 when in fact the declaration may be as much as $5 or $6000+ dollars. In the not too distant future the gold price may well be much more as it seems obvious that with all the excessive printing of fiat currencies around the world, Gold will increase dramatically from its present $2600 range. However even without the ability to insure the gold necklace at the full value I have found Fedex to be very reliable. However I can not account for another individuals’ karma.

Most suppliers of pure gold online charge about 30 to 35% over the spot price for Gold. The independent of Astrogems recommended office in Dubai only charges around 16% over spot. And at the same time they can duplicate almost any gold chain design in pure gold or lower karat gold chains. In order to do this though they would need a good quality photograph from the client by email.

he gold chain will always be stamped accordingly.

Feel welcome to email me directly and I can forward your email to Abhishek in Dubai. If you have an interest in a particular design gold chain you have found online or in a paper catalog. Please also send askastrogems@gmail.com the photograph of it and also the length and weight you hope it to be. Of Course most individuals will not realise how heavy and thus expensive the gold chain will be from a photograph. And so this has to be evaluated from Dubai.

These days there are a lot of individuals using fraudulent methods to target purchasing gold jewelry. Checks that they claim they did not endorse. Credit cards that have been stolen , paypal payments they claim they did not use etc. And hence the only method of payment accepted by the Dubai office is via bank wire transfer and to top this off, the office will also need a photograph copy of the wiring party’s passport. We have to be very very careful as there seem to be many more crooks out there than genuine buyers!!

Also ofcourse if you want to go to Dubai you can pick up the gold chain(s) after prior payment by wire also.

Gold Chains can also be purchased from the Astrogems office in Jaipur India also. However there is no way around the required government duty on gold in India.